You will never be completely at home again….

“You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more then one place.”

South Africa has a special place in my heart that only a handful of people can fully understand. I love the people and always feel at home there. This past February I went with a team for two weeks. Part of the time there we worked with Impact Africa. They are doing amazing work. They have an intern program that is changing lives in the impoverished communities of South Africa. You can check out their website or find them on Facebook to see all the great things they are doing.

One of my favorite things this trip was being able to take along a Polaroid camera and give out pictures to the community. I just want to say thank you to all those that helped make that happen. In this life you will never see the love that those pictures gave to so many people. Trust me they felt loved that day. Thank you.

My hope is that my images provided you a taste of South Africa. Maybe one day you can visit this amazing place, you might just find that it will be more like home then you ever imagined.


8 thoughts on “You will never be completely at home again….”

      1. Brought tears to my eyes! Crystal Shreeve​​ words and amazing photos give only a glimpse. A piece of me will always be in South Africa and a piece of south Africa will always be in my heart.

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